Our Thoughts on Cisco Live

Part of our GENISYS team flew out to Vegas in June to attend Cisco Live, the industry’s premier education and training event for IT, networking, and communications professionals. As a Cisco partner, this event is a big investment for us, and we had a great turn out. The guys shared a few of their own highlights from the event.

Jason & Harry Take Las Vegas
Jason and Harry selfie it up in front of the giant, life-size Cisco Live logo.

Jason‘s Thoughts

•  ‘Harry’s Sound Producing Troffer’ was a hit. Everyone was shocked to find out it emitted sound. Cisco partners always brought people by the pod to check it out.

•  Show traffic was very steady with large corporations showing interest.

•  The Digital Building Pavilion continues to grow more and more attraction from show attendees year after year.

•  The Fire Farm light was another highlight for attraction. Everyone else just had standard fixtures and we got a lot of questions about it.”

LEFT: The GENISYS Booth was fully-functional and featured a Fire Farm light. RIGHT: Matt & Harry pose for a photo-op.

Harry‘s Thoughts

 Getting a Royal Straight
 118° weather

Oh wait…

Cisco highlights:
 Definite transition from “what can we do” to “I have a client interested” from last year
 The Digital Building is about Convergence
 Pallet Program
 Even the touchscreen computer was PoE powered
 Had a fully-interactive display; others were static
 GENISYS is ready to deploy!”



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